正文翻译书名:《擎天》(To Hold Up the Sky),刘慈欣著

简介:2020年10月20日由Tor Books出书,页数336;亚马逊精装版价格:$21.1;Kindle电子书价格:$14.99;《漆黑森林》的翻译者参加了翻译,刘宇昆未参加~原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 转载请注明出处打星状况:五星 22%四星 43%三星 28%二星 5%一星 0%录入11个短篇:《村庄教师》《时刻移民》《2018年4月1日》《地火》《坍缩》《镜子》《欢乐颂》《全频带堵塞搅扰》《梦之海》《诗云》《思想者》

谈论翻译(Goodreads评论)Justine,26岁,女,法国,2020/94.5 stars四星半Before To Hold Up the Sky, I had never read Cixin Liu. I wanted to read The Three-Body Problem , but I was so afraid of misunderstanding it that I didn't dare. Then I received this ARC from NetGalley, so I decided to finally dive in.在《擎天》之前,我从未读过刘慈欣的著作。我原本想去读《三体》,但我很怕曲解了它,所以不敢碰。然后我就从NetGalley上收到了它的高档读者副本(译注:即受邀编撰评论),所以我终究仍是决议沉下心来一探终究了。These stories are intelligent and push the reader to think and to challenge his ordinary thoughts and beliefs. Here, they will encounter alien life, spaceships, existential questions, and so on. All the stories aren't coming from the same SF subgenres: I'm not an expert, but some of them are "harder" than others which seem "softer". Most of them take place in the future, but some picture the present, or, at least, start in the present!The subjects are varied but they all focus on reflection, on questioning the world, our perception. It was surprising, even astonishing sometimes. I was on the verge of laughing sometimes, because it was so unbelievable.These stories are also quite striking and leave the reader to ponder after they read them.这些故事透着股聪明劲儿,也能推着读者去考虑,还能应战读者那些日常的主意和信仰。在本书中,他们会遭受外星生命、世界飞船、存在主义问题等等。一切这些故事所属的科幻子类型都各不相同:我也不是专家,但其间有些故事,在观感上比另一些“偏软”的故事更“硬”。大部分故事产生在未来,但也有一些描绘了现在,至少也是始于现在的!包括各种五花八门的主题,但它们的要点全都落在反思上,落在对这个国际、对咱们感觉的质疑上。这就挺意外的了,有时候乃至还会让人大为震动。有几回,我差一点就要笑出来了,由于实在这太难以想象了。这些故事适当高能,会让读者在读完后堕入深思。As for the writing-style, and considering it is a translation, I have nothing special to say: not particularly good, but not bad either.至于写作风格,鉴于这是一本翻译著作,我没有什么特别的可说:不算特别好,但也不差。原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 转载请注明出处So much as I loved these stories and was surprised by them, it was sometimes hard to follow for me due to the vocabulary used or the scientific precisions. I'm not sure I 100% understood everything, but I still enjoyed this collection.虽然我很喜欢这些故事,它们也出乎了我的预料,但书中运用的词汇,以及在科学角度上寻求准确的那些表述,我有时候仍是很难了解。我不确认我是否100%了解了一切的内容,但我仍是很喜欢这本集子。I'll try to talk about each of the stories now:现在我会试着谈一谈每一个故事:"The Village Teacher"A story that particularly moved me because it focuses on a teacher who tries, before he dies, to pass knowledge to his young pupils. The reader understands that the village doesn't value what the teacher brings, but that he persists through hardship.In the beginning, I didn't understand why this story was in this collection because the first part has nothing to do with SF; I understood a few pages later.Strangely, and in a small amount of pages, I got attached to the charactersWhen I finished this story - I have to precise I am a teacher myself -, I felt proud to do my job. It was heartwarming to read, and, at the same time, a bit sad, because the teacher is an outcast in the village.《村庄教师》一个特别感动我的故事,由于它聚集的是一位教师,他在死前竭尽所能地把常识传给了他那些年青的学生。读者很清楚村子里的人并不珍爱这位教师带来的东西,但他在艰困中坚持了下来。一开始,我不了解这个集子为什么要录入这个故事,由于本篇的榜首部分和科幻无关;但又读了几页之后我就了解了。奇怪的是,只消短短的几页,我就对这些人物产生了爱情。当我读完这个故事时,我有必要说了解我自己便是一名教师,我为自己的作业感到骄傲。这篇读起来让人暖心,一起也有点伤感,由于在这个村子里。教师是那个被排挤的人。"The Time Migration"One of my favorite stories in this collection!People decide to migrate in time because there is not enough ressources for everyone on Earth during their lifetime.It was interesting to see Earth changing hundreds of years after the immigrants left. It was a bit frustrating because we do not have the details and we don't understand how they got here, but it was interesting to be in an immigrant's skin and to see Earth through their eyes, without any other explanation.The ending was both sad and beautiful - but I feel like it might be one of the author's specialties!《时刻移民》是这本集子里我最喜欢的故事之一!人们决议在时刻中进行移民,由于在他们的有生之年中,地球上没有满足的资源供一切人运用。能看到地球在移民们离开了几百年后产生的改动,仍是很有意思的。这有点让人懊丧,由于咱们没有看到细节,咱们也不了解他们到底是怎么穿越到这儿的,但在没有其他任何解说的状况下,以移民的身份,经过移民的视角来审视地球仍是很有意思的。结局既哀痛又美丽,但我感觉这或许是作者的专长之一!"2018-04-01"Here, we follow a man who has a difficult choice to make: he can choose the woman he loves or something everyone dreams about.This story, like "The Time Migration", is more focused on the future and mostly on new technologies. The reader gets a glimpse of what the human future could be. It is both fascinating and frightening:《2018年4月1日》在本篇中,咱们一路跟随一个须作出困难挑选的男人:他能够挑选他爱的女性,也能够挑选每个人做梦都想要的东西。这个故事和《时刻移民》相同,更重视未来,并且重视的大都是新技术。读者得以一窥人类未来的或许样貌。它既引人入胜又教人胆寒。原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 转载请注明出处"Fire in the Earth"This is one of the stories I was less interested in, but it's still stuck in my mind for some reason. It deals with mines, a subject I know practically nothing about.It was immersive because it was long, and it was long because there were explanations about the change the main character wants to make. I'm sure I didn't understand everything, but it was still striking and vivid to read. I was there, with the characters.The ending stroke me, I wasn't expecting this at all!《地火》这是我不太感兴趣的几个故事之一,但出于某种原因,它依然驻留在我的脑海中。它触及矿山,这个范畴我基本上是一窍不通。故事带来了很强的沉溺感,由于它篇幅很长,而篇幅长是由于对主人公想要做出的改动作出了各种解说。我能够确认我并没有彻底了解,但读来仍很震慑,并且鲜活得很。我就在故事里,和那些人物在一起。结局把我给震住了,我彻底没有料到会是这样的成果!原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 转载请注明出处"Contraction"One of my favorites: a scientist greets a politician who will witness the contraction of the universe after its long expansion.I didn't expect the revelation at all, just like the other characters! I really loved the main character, who seems to be a mad man among his peers. I can't say too much because this story is really short compared with the others, but it was... shaking I'd say, because it contradicts our perception!《坍缩》是我最喜欢的著作之一:一位科学家向一位政治家致意,而他将见证世界在长时间胀大后呈现的缩短。这个被揭穿出来的本相是我彻底没有料到的,其他人物也是相同!我真的很喜欢这个主角,他在自己的同行之中似乎是个疯癫之徒。我不能说太多,由于比较于其他故事,这个故事真的很短,可它却…嗯,我会用震慑这个词,由于它与咱们的认知相对立!
