你是P4的装备。晋级的话最多加个显卡 9550 的,个人认为现已没有其他晋级必要了。直接买新机集显的都比你现在这套强。你的老电脑不能插DDR2的内存,DDR400 内存并且很贵,到1G就够用。最终一句,替换主机才是上策。给你套装备参阅下买新入门级玩网络游戏电脑装备和价格CPU AMD Athlon64×2(双核速龙)5200盒装CPU(Socket AM.. ¥439 主板 映泰 TA770 A2+ SE主板(AMD 770/Socket AM2+) ¥459 内存 宇瞻(Apacer)DDR2 800 2G 台式机内存 ¥139 显卡 蓝宝石(Sapphire)4650 海外版 600/1400 256M/128位.. ¥389 硬盘 希捷(Seagate)320G ST3320613AS 7200转16M SATAII盒.. ¥348 光驱 前锋(Pioneer)DVD-130D 18X 并口 DVD光驱(黑色) ¥129 机箱 富士康(Foxconn)电脑机箱 超狐TSAA-091 黑色(不含.. ¥98 电源 鑫谷(segotep)电源 劲持400白金版 额外300W ¥195上海区域价求DJMAX全部歌曲267首打包下载
没有这么多,只要162首。曲目列表如下:前101首是 DJMAX Portable 2 的001 Your Own Miracle / Ruby Tuesday002 sO mUCH iN LUV / 3rd Coast003 pINE SERVICE / Electronic Boutique004 Ladymade Star / ESTi005 Syriana / Bexter006 Brain Storm / Croove007 Right now / makou008 ???(ソレイム/Seoleim) / ND Lee009 NB RANGERS : Returns / NieN010 Another Day / Forte Escape011 GET OUT / ND Lee012 Brandnew Days / Planetboom013 WhiteBlue / zts014 Showtime / Ruby Tuesday015 Lost'n Found / bermei.inazawa016 A Lie / makou017 Mess it up / Nauts018 Nightmare / M2U019 Dream Of You / makou020 NANO RISK / Days021 Good Bye / Ruby Tuesday022 Fantanest / EarBreaker eszett023 Rolling on the Duck / NieN024 For Seasons / makou025 Midnight Blood / NieN026 Rocka-a-doodle-doo / makou027 ????(テコンブリ/Tekwonburi) / xxdbxx028 Stay with me / Ruby Tuesday029 STALKER / ND Lee030 Bye Bye Love / 3rd Coast031 Chains of Gravity / Tsukasa032 higher / Supbaby033 minus3 / Croove034 Smoky Quartz / makou035 miles / Electronic Boutique036 Hello Pinky / NieN037 SQUEEZE / Oriental ST8038 Sunset Rider / Nauts039 Memoirs / M2U040 Fallen Angel / DJ Mocha041 Starfish / Planetboom042 NB POWER / NieN043 Yellowberry(Aj Mix) / Forte Escape044 My Alias / Days045 Seeker / M2U046 IKARUS / NieN047 Get On Top / Planetboom048 Yo Creo Que SI / makou049 plastic method / zts050 Negatlve Nature / Electronic Boutique051 Phantom Of Sky / M2U052 Brave It out / Bexter053 Cherokee / xxdbxx054 BLYTHE / M2U055 ソレイム (Extended Version) / ND Lee056 sO mUCH iN LUV (Extended Korean Version) / 3rd Coast057 GET OUT (Extended Version) / ND Lee058 Stay with me (Extended Version) / Ruby Tuesday059 Memoirs (Extended Version) / M2U060 Showtime (Extended Version) / Ruby Tuesday061 STALKER (Extended Version) / ND Lee062 Good Bye (Extended Version) / Ruby Tuesday063 ソレイム (Congregration Version) / ND Lee064 SQUEEZE (japanese Version) / Oriental ST8065 Memoirs (shamisen Version) / M2U066 STALKER (Extended Korean Version) / ND Lee067 Brandnew Days (Instrumental Version) / Planetboom068 Hello Pinky (NieN Vox Demo Version) / NieN069 风にお愿い (Statingly Version) / Forte Escape070 Title (Mode) / Forte Escape071 Portable 2 (Mode) / Forte Escape072 Network 1 (Mode) / Forte Escape073 Collection (Mode) / Forte Escape074 profile (Mode) / Forte Escape075 Xtreme 1 (Mode) / Forte Escape076 Xtreme 2 (Mode) / Forte Escape077 Xtreme 3 (Mode) / Forte Escape078 Xtreme 4 (Mode) / Forte Escape079 Xtreme5 (Mode) / Forte Escape080 Result Stage (Mode) / Forte Escape081 Result Total (Mode) / Forte Escape082 U got A message (Unused) / Forte Escape083 Netslave (Unused) / Forte Escape084 Can We Talk(Broken Dog Leg Mix) / Forte Escape085 Aurora Borealis / Electronic Boutique086 Again Sunshine / Forte Escape087 Feel / Dj Mocha088 Grid System / Tsukasa089 Cosmic Elevator / Forte Escape090 Real Over Drive / NieN091 1st-sync / Forte Escape092 Living on The Beat / Forte Escape093 Too Fast / Forte Escape094 Hypersonic / xxdbxx095 Yellowberry / Forte Escape096 Tammuz / Forte Escape097 Dancin' Planet / Planetboom098 One Sided Love / Electronic Boutique099 Knowledge system / Forte Escape100 Weird Pistol / Forte Escape101 Space Of Soul / M2U后58首乐曲是 DJMAX Portable 1 的102 ???? ??? / Forte Escape103 Ray of Illuminati / ESTi104 Luv Flow / 3rd Coast105 Elastic STAR / Forte Escape106 JBG / Croove107 Save My Dream / Forte Escape108 End of the Moonlight / Forte Escape109 Jupiter Driving / xxdbxx110 Never Say (Long Version) / ND Lee111 Revenge (Long Version) / ND Lee112 One The Love (Long Version) / xxdbxx113 Extreme Z4 / Forte Escape114 Fever GJ / xxdbxx115 Enemy Storm / Croove116 Out Law / Croove117 FTR / ????118 Light House / xxdbxx119 Long Vacation / ESTi120 Catch Me / Forte Escape121 Bright Dream / M2U122 Temptation / S-TRO123 Road of Death / NieN124 Chrono Breakers / NieN125 Memory of Beach / M2U126 Lemonade / M2U127 ???? ??? ~ Live Mix ~ / Forte Escape128 Out Law ~ Funky Jam Live Mix ~ / Croove129 Elastic STAR ~ UK Garage Mix ~ / Forte Escape130 ???? ??? ~ Japanese Version ~ / Forte Escape131 Sunny Side / Croove132 Can We Talk / Forte Escape133 Futurism / Forte Escape134 Funky Chups / Forte Escape135 OBLIVION / ESTi136 A.I. / Forte Escape137 MASAI / Croove138 Let's Go Baby / 3rd Coast139 Ya! Party! / Forte Escape
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140 ON (Long Version) / ND Lee141 KUDA / GonZo142 Rock or Die / NieN143 Fear / ????144 Astro Fight / Forte Escape145 ??? ?? (Long Version) / ND Lee146 Eternal Memory ~ ??? ? ~ (Long Version) / M2U147 Red / Croove148 SIN / ESTi149 Para-Q / Forte Escape150 NB Ranger / M2U151 ??? ??? 1? / Tchikovsky152 Dreadnought / EarBreaker153 Minimal Life / EarBreaker154 Triple Zoe / Forte Escape155 Hamsin / makou156 Sunny Side ~ deepn' soul Mix ~ / Croove157 OBLIVION ~ Rockin' Night Style ~ / ESTi158 SIN THE LAST SCENE / ESTi159 Yo! Max! / ND Lee剩余的3首分别为樱雪座,英仙座,樱华月。一切的歌都在我的硬盘上,假如我们凡响激烈的话我会考虑做种子,供给下载。想买电脑,懂的帮我写一个3000以下的装备吧。
*CPU AMD Athlon64 X2 5400+ AM2(65纳米/黑盒 1 ¥ 465 *主板 技嘉 GA-MA78GM-S2H(rev.1.0) 1 ¥ 499 *内存 金士顿 2GB DDR2 800(窄板) 1 ¥ 120 *硬盘 WD 320GB 7200转 16MB(串口/YS) 1 ¥ 320 显卡 影驰 9600GSO加强版X2 1 ¥ 499 光驱 前锋 DVR-116CH 1 ¥ 180 LCD AOC 912Sw+ 1 ¥ 720 *机箱 多彩 DLC-MT814(带电源) 1 ¥ 280 键鼠装 网际快车 K70 1 ¥ 88 算计金额:3171 元电源要是不行加点钱能够换这样的装备多少钱
硬盘8G? 我从头给你写个装备吧 价格在3000左右 和你这个的差不多CPU:AMD5000+ 内存:2G 1333硬盘 320G主板M72N 显卡9800GT显示器优派21.5这套的价格在个3300左右以上便是关于《tek091》的全部内容了,期望对各位投资者有所协助,想要学习更多的理财常识,重视欧迪理财