2021年,全球股权出资规模创下显着前史新高。此前,受新冠疫情影响,全球的跨境出资一度遭受至暗时间。2021年以来,在全球经济逐步康复的布景之下,受前史低位的利率和股票高估值影响,越来越多的资金挑选流入私募股权商场。在新的年份里,咱们有理由信任,股权出资职业将创下更为光辉的成果。瑞士当地时间2022年1月26日上午,全球母基金协会于瑞士苏黎世重磅发布“2021全球最佳出资组织榜单”。全球母基金协会于2019年12月12日在瑞士合法注册。全球母基金协会致力于为全球母基金供给一个优质、高效的信息服务渠道、事务协作渠道和沟通沟通渠道,促进全球母基金职业的沟通协作与健康开展。此前,全球母基金协会现已接连两年发布年度全球最佳出资组织榜单:瑞士当地时间2020年1月21日,在“达沃斯论坛全球母基金峰会”上,全球母基金协会发布了首份2019年度全球最佳出资组织榜单,获得了全球出资组织的很多好评;瑞士当地时间2021年2月8日,由全球母基金协会主办的“2020全球最佳出资组织榜单发布会”于瑞士苏黎世成功举行,会上盛大发布第二届全球最佳出资组织榜单。本次2021年度全球最佳出资组织榜单将由全球母基金协会约请欧美、中东等区域的出资专家(重点是母基金)引荐、评比打分选出,奖项包含:1.TOP50 Best Performing FOFs in the world

2.TOP30 Most Promising FOFs in the world

3.TOP20 Best Secondary Funds in the world

4.TOP30 Most Influential FoF Investors in the world

5.TOP50 Best Performing Funds in the world

6.TOP50 Most Promising Funds in the world

7.TOP30 Best VC/PE Investors in the world在本次榜单中,我国与美国的上榜者最多,来自美国的出资组织与出资人约占39%,来自我国的出资组织与出资人约占31%。这也从一个旁边面表现了我国在出资界的影响力。全球最佳出资组织榜单中,越发显着的我国力气也印证了我国新经济已逐步形成全球影响力。未来,跟着我国股权出资职业的老练与开展,咱们信任我国的出资力气将会在全球兴起,全球出资榜单上的我国面孔会越来越多,收成更多国际的注目。2021年度全球最佳出资组织榜单请见文末:In 2021, global venture capital and private equity investment hit a significant record level.Previously, due to the epidemic of COVID-19,cross-border investment once encountered the darkest moment. However, fortunately, since the beginning of 2021, the world economy is gradually recovering. At the same time, affected by historically low interest rates and high stock valuations, more and more funds were chosen to flow into the global venture capital and private equity investment market.In next new year, there is reason to believe that the venture capital and private equity investment Industries will achieve more brilliant results.On the morning of January 26, 2022 Swiss local time, Global FoF Association released “the list of World’s Best Investment Institutions in 2021” in Zurich, Switzerland.Global FoF Association was legally registered in Switzerland on 12 December 2019, committed to provide a high-quality and efficient platform for the global fund of funds, which integrates information services, communication and business cooperation,aiming to promote exchanges, cooperation and healthy development of the global FoF industry.Previously, the Global FoF Association has published the list of World’s Best Investment Institutions for two consecutive years.On January 21, 2020, at Davos Global FOF Summit,the Global FoF Association announced the list of World’s Best Investment Institutions in 2019, which was widely acclaimed from global investment institutions.On 8 February 2021, the Global FoF Association hosted a conference in Zurich, Switzerland,meanwhile announced the list of World’s Best Investment Institutions in 2020.The list of World’s Best Investment Institutions in 2021 will be recommended and selected by investment experts from Europe, the United States, the Middle East and other regions. They were invited by the Global FoF Association, mainly engaged in the fund of funds industry.The awards include:1.TOP50 Best Performing FOFs in the world

2.TOP30 Most Promising FOFs in the world

3.TOP20 Best Secondary Funds in the world

4.TOP30 Most Influential FOF Investors in the world

5.TOP50 Best Performing Funds in the world

6.TOP50 Most Promising Funds in the world

7.TOP30 Best VC/PE Investors in the worldIn this list, China and the United States are the most on the list, with investment institutions and investors from the United States accounting for about 39%, and investment institutions and investors from China accounting for about 31%. This also reflects China's influence in the investment community from one side.In the list of the world's best investment institutions, the increasingly obvious Chinese power also confirms that China's new economy has gradually formed global influence. In the future, with the maturity and development of China's investment industry, we believe that China's investment power will rise in the world, and there will be more and more Chinese faces on the global investment list, gaining more world attention.The list of the world's best investment institutions in 2021 is as follows: